Vuja De: Interactive Playback of Recorded Virtual Environments

Meet Arora, Kritika, Ayush Kushwaha, Aman Parnami

Unlike playback of a video where a user can only interact by altering the video’s playback, a recorded Virtual Reality (VR) experience when played back in VR allows unprecedented avenues for interaction, including alteration of the content. In this work, we initiate the exploration of these diverse interaction avenues by leveraging VR recordings as an interactive tool. Thus, we introduce Vuja De, the propensity of finding novelty in familiar experiences. Vuja De makes creation of alternate pathways for a pre-recorded scene easier and interactive. It enables re-experiencing VR recordings anew each time because of the multiple interaction outcomes made possible. Further, we identify three interaction scenarios that illustrate the utility of interactive recordings. You can find the preprint here.

Scenario 1. Recorded Scene as a Holographic Projection

Scenario 2. Actor inside the Holographic Projection

Scenario 3. Live Locale and Recorded Locale as Parallel Universes


Meet Arora, Kritika, Ayush Kushwaha, and Aman Parnami. 2020. Vuja De: Interactive Playback of Recorded Virtual Environments. In Special Interest Group on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques Conference Posters (SIGGRAPH ’20 Posters), August 17, 2020. ACM, New York, NY, USA.